Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: A Convo About Funding Women Fully with Cate Luzio of @weareluminary - S4:E2
Welcome back to Finding Fearless! This week we have Cate Luzio of @weareluminary on to talk about what happens when women come together to support and fund each other without ulterior motives. This episode was originally streamed live on LinkedIn and is available!
Cate brings to the table all of her insight from her background in banking, as well as her experience founding Luminary, a community and co-working space she built with her own money. Cate is passionate about sustainable business funding and believes all women should have the ability to build profitable businesses that don’t rely on investors.
In this episode, Cate and I cover:
- The importance of valuing and investing in your own business (and cheering other women on!)
- The different ways to fund a scaling business beyond just VC funding
- The mental pressure to scale your business, even if you feel you aren’t ready
If you want to connect with Cate, you can follow her on Instagram and LinkedIn. You can also follow Luminary on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter! Get the full scoop on Luminary here, and read up on their in person events, Luminary Experience Live here. Their upcoming stops will be in San Diego, Houston, Cleveland, Philadelphia, NYC, and Atlanta!
Groups and services we love:
- Figure 8 is my Mastermind Community. I am so proud of what we’ve created with our newest cohort, and can’t wait for what the future holds! Our April 2023 cohort has launched, but you can check out our website for information on upcoming cohorts!
- FreshBooks accounting software gives you instant access to the tools you need to manage your finances.To learn more about FreshBooks and start your free trial, visit fearlessfoundry.com/freshbooks.
Finding Fearless is an exploration of human-centric leadership and a celebration of ambition, releasing every other week on Wednesdays, 6AM PST. If you liked the show, please rate, review, and share! You can also visit our website to learn more about how to become a sponsor of Finding Fearless!
Finding Fearless is produced by Fearless Foundry, a creative consultancy focused on advancing ambitious humans from around the globe to amplify their impact through branding, marketing, and business development. You can contact us at hello@fearlessfoundry.com if you are interested in our services and can follow us on all social media @fearlessfoundry.
Season 4 music is by Premium Beats. All audio is recorded and owned by Fearless Foundry.